• Gedou Tenisha no Harem Dungeon Seisakuki

    Gedou Tenisha no Harem Dungeon Seisakuki

    Indonesian: Disaat teman-temannya terisekaikan dan menjadi Hero, Nitta justru tercampakan dan menjadi seorang dungeon master, musuh dari seluruh umat manusia! tahu akan ancaman yang akan dihadapinya, dengan sekuat tenaga memperkuat dungeon yang dia buat, penyusup yang datang akan di tangkap, laki-laki akan di bunuh, sedangkan perempuan akan dijadikan mesin entod olehnya, semua itu dilakukannya demi menjalani hidup bajingan di isekai.

    Genre(s): Fantasy, Isekai

    Updated Time: Dec 22, 2023

  • Records of the Creation of the Demon Otherworlder's Harem Dungeon

    Records of the Creation of the Demon Otherworlder's Harem Dungeon

    While all of his classmate were transported to another world as heroes, for some reason he was left out as the dungeon master... and he, Satoshi Shinta, became the world\'s enemy. As the enemy of humankind, in order to survive and live a pleasant life in another world, he had a big choice to makeー. Through devilish methods, make his enemies fall, and strengthen his dungeon!! To violate his enemies or kill them, the curtain raises on (male) Satoshi Shinta\'s devilish dungeon management!!

    Genre(s): Sexual Violence, Harem, Isekai, Fantasy, Adaptation

    Updated Time: Jul 16, 2023